International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOTB)


IDAHOTB於2004年成⽴, 第⼀屆的IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia) 著重針對同性戀者的歧視⾏為,然後在2009年加⼊關注跨性別社群,再漸漸延伸⾄其他性/別⼩眾。現在的IDAOTB包括了對同性戀者、雙性戀者、跨性別者、雙性⼈及不同性取向、性別認同和性別特徵⼈⼠,提醒世界各地關注針對不同性/ 別⼩眾的歧視及暴⼒⾏為。


Why May 17?

Established in 2004, the first IDAHOTB (International Day Against Homophobia) drew attention to the violence and discrimination against lesbians and gays; and further expanded it’s focus towards the transgender community and other sexual/ gender minorities in 2009. To this day, IDAHOTB advocates for all people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics. 

The date May 17 was chosen to commemorate the World Health Organisation’s decision to depathologise homosexuality on the 17th May, 1990. May 17 is now celebrated in more than 130 countries, whilst amongst 37 countries homosexuality is still considered as a criminal offense.


Significant events in Hong Kong & neighbouring countries

你以為「恐跨症」係咁? vs 其實唔止咁簡單!
What you think ‘transphobia’ is? vs What ‘transphobia’ really is!


「恐跨症」? 究竟你「恐」啲乜啫? 

What are you so ‘phobic’ of anyway?

其實,「恐跨症」是否一個最恰當的用詞,去用作描述針對跨性別人士的「歧視」呢? 所謂「恐」,是對某些事或物所產生的恐懼、恐怕、恐慌、或疑慮。而跨性別人士所面對的種種歧見、不公平對待,難道真的是源於對跨性別人士的「恐懼」?

Terminologically speaking, is ‘transphobia’ really the most accurate term to describe the discrimination and prejudice against the transgender community? ‘Phobia’ describes an irrational or extreme fear towards something – to think of it, what it is so scary about transgender persons?

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