跨性別現身日 之 快問快答
Quick guide to Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV)
美國密西根洲的Rachel Crandall於2009年3月31日成立國際跨性別現身日 (International Transgender Day of Visibility, TDoV),致意慶祝跨性別者及她/他/大也們對社會的貢獻,並提升針對跨性別者歧視行為的關注度。
International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV) was founded in March 31st 2009 by US-based activists Rachel Crandall, TDoV dedicates in acknowledging and celebrating living members of the transgender community, as well as raising awareness of discrimination against transgender people.

A:March 31st every year!

A:Everywhere! TDoV is widely commemorated in various countries, through means such as parades and online social media campaigns.

A:Obviously TDoV is about the transgender community; but we also need the support from allies and general public!

答:在TDoV成立前,較廣為人知、以跨性別人士為主的紀念日子只有跨性別追悼日 (Transgender Day of Remembrance, TDoR) – TDoR由1999年11月20日開始,紀念及追悼因歧視或仇恨而被殺害的跨性別人士。當時的社會需要一個TDoR以外的紀念日,用意在卡認同和慶祝在世的跨性別人士。除了追悼已逝去的跨性別朋友們外,我們亦應慶祝努力地、默默地、驕傲地生活著的跨性別者。
A:Frustration arose as the only transgender-centered day was the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), founded in November 20th 1999, mounted in mourning the lost trans lives due to discrimination and hate crime. The lack of acknowledgment and celebration of the living members of the transgender community become more and more prominent. We should mourn the lives we’ve lost, but also celebrate the living.
怎樣才是「現身」? 被看見又有多重要?
What is visibility? Why is visibility important?
所謂「現身」並不是純粹關注在光鮮亮麗的外表或成就;媒體上看到的「美麗篇章」或者「成功例子」,如:第一位跨性別洲際⼩姐、第一位跨性別副總理等等… 這些都是十分值得慶祝的故事,但在褪下光環後,更值得我們關注的是跨性別人士的需要、以及她/他/大也們會面對的偏見或歧視。 要了解跨性別人士的需要,你可以由最基本的三個方面入手,分別是:性別認同、性別過渡、和性別承認。
Visibility comes in many forms – not only the glory, accomplishments, and proudness shining on the outside; but also the needs, access to resources, and stigma hiding behind the curtains. To really get to know more about transgender persons, you can start with: Gender Identity, Gender Transition, and Gender recognition.
Gender Identity
Your psychological sense of self. Who you, in your head, know yourself to be, based on how much you align (or don’t align) with what you understand to be the options for gender.
Gender Transition
Gender transition is the process transgender persons go through to live a gender role that is more aligned with their identified gender, which differs from their assigned sex. It involves a lot of changes and adaptation, and can be divided into three major aspects – social transition, physical transition and legal transition.
Gender Recognition
Transgender persons’ gender identity can be recognized and protected by the law, and be displayed on statutory identification documents such as ID cards and passports. According to current guidelines in Hong Kong, a transgender person must complete certain surgery in order to change the legal (binary) gender on the HKID card. Yet, this does not automatically grant them a comprehensive legal affirmation and protection.
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