< 請支持我們 >
性別空間(IR File No.: 91/18508)是根據香港〈稅務條例〉第88條認可獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構,故向我們捐款達港幣$100或以上可申請退回香港稅項。
Gender Empowerment (IR File No.: 91/18508) is being recognised as a charitable institution that is exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Donation of HK$100 or above is deductible against Hong Kong taxes.
直接透過網頁捐款 / Donate Directly Through Website:
其他捐款方法 / Other Donation Methods:
一. PayPal或信用卡 / PayPal or Credit Card:
(你亦可直接掃瞄QR code)
(Or you can scan the QR code)

二. 直接存入以下戶口 / Direct Transfer to The Following Bank Account:
- 香港上海滙豐銀行 / The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (銀行編號/Clearing code:004)
戶口名稱:Gender Empowerment Limited
- 轉數快的「快速支付系統識別碼」過數 / FPS ID
Please send us the bank slip / donor information by either:
- 電郵/Email: [email protected]
- 寄回: 九龍彌敦道380號逸東酒店1樓01室 性別空間收
Mail to:
Gender Empowerment
Office 01, Eaton House, 1/F Eaton Hotel, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon
三. 劃線支票 / Cross Cheque:
Payable to: Gender Empowerment Limited
- 寄回: 九龍彌敦道380號逸東酒店1樓01室 性別空間收
Mail to:
Gender Empowerment
Office 01, Eaton House, 1/F Eaton Hotel, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon
如有任何捐款查詢,歡迎聯絡我們查詢及跟進 / Please contact us if you have any donation inquiry.
電郵 / email:[email protected]