捐款 / Donation
性別空間(IR File No.: 91/14860)是根據香港〈稅務條例〉第88條認可獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構,故向我們捐款達港幣$100或以上可申請退回香港稅項。
Gender Empowerment (IR File No.: 91/14860) is being recognised as a charitable institution that is exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Donation of HK$100 or above is deductible against Hong Kong taxes.
(已有Paypal戶口可直接掃瞄QR code)
(Scan the QR code if you already have a Paypal account)
Please send us the bank slip / donor information by either:
熱線電話:6120 9810 (逢星期一、三、五 下午 6 時 30 分~晚上 9 時 30 分)
Whatsapp/Signal:6120 9810(於辦公時間(下午4時~晚上10時)盡快回覆,假日除外)
Email:[email protected]